"Ball Boys", performed by The Young Theatre (at Beaconsfield), directed by Mark Oldknow, made UK amateur theatre history.
The Young Theatre became the first youth group ever to win the All England Theatre Festival - the equivalent of an amateur football team winning the FA Cup! - and in doing so picked up no less than 13 awards before winning the ultimate one - The Howard de Walden Ewer - as the winners of the British Festival.
After qualifying in Maidenhead, YT's production of this one act play went on to win the Eastern area final, the English and then on to represent England at the British Final Festival held in Aberystwyth under the auspicies of the Drama Association of Wales. YT again made history - winning the British title, and the Howard de Walden Ewer Trophy, against strong competition from adult groups representing Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. The first youth group ever to achieve this - continuing the football analogy ... the amateur team that went on to win the European Champions League!!
A fantastic achievement which has ensured The Young Theatre’s entry in the annals of amateur theatre in Great Britain. So it was very much the case of - The Young Theatre ... The Best of British!!